Susan Nickerson
Susan Asarian Nickerson is an artist who attended Rutgers University, the New School for Social Research and the Art Students League. She has served on the WAAM board for years and in 2015 organized the art exhibit about the 100th year of the Armenian Genocide, among other efforts. She was an official delegate to the Fourth UN Conference on Women in Beijing, China representing American Artists and speaking, writing about and speaking, writing and later televising these events. She was also one of the original Granny Peace Brigade members who volunteered to serve in the Iraq War to spare our youth. She was arrested, jailed, tried and acquitted while advocating for peace. She then received Princeton’s Patriot for Peace Award and the Bernard Crystal Award for mixed media the National Arts Club. She now serves as a United Nations NGO representing Peace Action and Ribbon International, where she is a director.
Susan Nickerson – List of Exhibitions and Artist Experience